Monday, January 28, 2008

Getting Down and Derby!

(Okay- I'm not that clever- I stole the title from a movie!) Nolan had his first pinewood derby race on Sat.
There were some great competitors!
The pressure was building as they watched!
It was quite exciting!
But in the end, Nolan got 2nd place each time he raced, so I guess overall he was somewhere in the middle (as far as scoring goes.) He got the award for "Best Reptile Mobile" (Did I mention that he is into snakes more than ever , lately?)

He had such a good attitude about the whole thing!
Question- Is it cheating if you make a great race car and then use it every year but paint it a different color?


Karey said...

I can't wait for Matthew's first Derby! Cute pictures!

Debie Spurgeon said...

Wasn't that a fun event for the boys. Congratulations Nolan on the Reptile Mobile award!!

Jan said...

Oh that is great news. You guys did great. Fun times.

rip said...

I think it is great that he designed a car unique to him! He looks like he had fun.